Notice of Substantial Completion

Notice is hereby given that John T. Hall Construction has substantially completed the 2019 Linden CDBG Sewer Rehab Project according the terms of their contract with the Town of Linden. Any persons, firm, or corporation having any unpaid claims against said contractor for labor, material, or supplies in connection with said work is hereby notified to present the same in the manner and within the time required by law. All claims must be received in writing to the undersigned no later than February 25th, 2022 for consideration. 


Make your voice be heard!


Linden City Hall
216 E. Main St.
P.O. Box 26
Linden TN 37096.


Hours: 7:00 am to 4:30 pm
(931) 589-2736

Smart Search of Site

Utilities Emergency.

After hours utilities emergency:
(931) 589-3900